Net Evident in affiliation with 1and1.com provides top-of-the-line website hosting for our customers unmatched uptime and 24 hour customer support. We have various hosting packages available. Whether you are a small local business or a large corporation with hundreds of employees we can set you up with the hosting package that is right for you. You and all your employees can have their own email address at your domain (i.e. yourname@yourdomain.com ). Our hosting also gives you the ability to check and respond to email messages anywhere in the world using the Web Mail interface.
Site statistics, counters, email addresses, submission tools, and many more services are all part of our Hosting Service. Our hosting plans include: Full CGI- BIN Access,
Mailing Lists,
Detailed Web Statistics,
POP E-mail, Web E-mail access,
Password Protected Directories,
Site Creation Tools,
FrontPage Support.